Sunday, April 24, 2011

In flight call bells...

This is a sound that I am pretty sure we all (cabin crew members) would recognize even while sleeping...A gradual single chime that automatically repeats itself in more frequent intervalls if not resetted is a nightmare, if operated by a customer during a busy time of the flight, such as i.e. the meal delivery, turbulences or descending phase.

A service that has been created purely for the case of an emergency is being used and misused by our wonderful customers. (Unless you would call it an emergency that a mid 30' male customer sitting in seat 72E (1 meter away from the galley, which is the source of whiskey cokes) requieres his 5th drink...:-)

Working for a full service airlines I have realized that this is a significant part of our job though, and observing some of my collegues having tantrums because of this I have realized that there is no point in trying to make our life difficult in avoiding this lovely chime, as it may mean that someone is having a heart attack or in a less dramatic scenario a complaint about a grown up male, weighing 100kg that has fallen asleep on top of both passengers left and right from him, impossible to be woken up...:-)

1 comment:

  1. :) love your blog, thanks for sharing your experiences. like you said, it is not always a pleasant job but nevertheless it will always be a dreamjob for many girls...
    can't wait to
